Tending Dustbowls – November 30, 2014

If we look at the Genesis 2 account of creation, Adam was not initially placed in a luscious garden in Eden. He was placed in a dusty field planted with garden potential, and told by God to tend it.

Scripture is full of examples in which Gods people were willing to ‘tend to seemingly barren ‘dustbowls’ which God would water to produce amazing fruitfulness.

One such example is The disciple called Ananias who ‘tended’ to Saul, the chief persecutor of the church who became the great apostle to the Gentiles. There is nobody too difficult for God to save and change, but Jesus’ words still ring true today; “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

1. In your spiritual journey, who is the person that was most active in cultivating God’s life in you? What do they do and what did it produce?

2. What ‘dustbowl’ situation or person do you sense God calling you to tend?

3. How is God calling you to tend to it and what do you need from God in order to obey?


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