June 16th // Asking For A Friend Series// Fred Chambers
  1. What is your experience of talking about spiritual warfare? How does the topic make you feel?
  2. How have you experienced demonic influence in your life?
  3. What authority do followers of Jesus have overcome the demonic?
  4. Fred gave us a powerful framework for spiritual warfare with the 4 R’s of remember, repent, renounce and reclaim. Talk through the importance of each one as a group.
  5. Spend some time praying for each other. Invite people to pray through the 4 R’s if they are being spiritually oppressed.
June 9th // Ryan MacDonald
  1. How do you pursue rest in your life?
  2. What ways have you felt let down by the false promises of self-care and self-denial?
  3. How does the picture of Adam and Even in the garden of Eden help us understand the importance of abiding in and obeying God?
  4. Read Matthew 11:28-30 aloud. Once at a regular speed. And a second time slowly.
  5. How are you currently finding life by abiding and obeying Jesus?
  6. What is God inviting you to do in response to this passage?
May 26th // Kevin M
  1. What signs have you seen God perform in your life that have led you to believe in Jesus?
  2. John 12:40 says some people did not believe in the signs Jesus performed because God “has blinded their eye and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them.” What thoughts, feelings and emotions come up for you when you read this passage? 
  3. How do we reconcile God blinding people so they can’t believe Jesus with the truth that Jesus “did not come to judge the world but to save the world” (12:47)?
  4. Believing in Jesus is a public action. How is Jesus calling you to live out your faith in public this week?
May 19th // Ryan McDonald 
  1. What is your reaction to Mary’s extravagant act of worship?
  2. When people observe your life is it evident that you love and cherish Jesus?
  3. How has Jesus taken you – like Lazarus – from death to life?
  4. How is Jesus calling you into deeper devotion and relationship with Him?
  5. How can you adore and show gratitude to Jesus this week?
May 12 // Mbonisi From Kenya 

1. Tell of a time that you had or missed a mic drop moment?

2. What brokenness or suffering around you is God calling to your attention?
3. How would you live different if you truly believed that Jesus is always praying for you?
4. How has God, the master of the household of Faith, given you grace when you didn’t deserve it?
May 1// Ryan from Common Grounds South Africa 
  1. Read Matthew 28:16-20 aloud. Which of the “4 all’s” (all authority, all nations, teaching all he commanded, he is with you always) in this passage do you feel drawn to? What might God be saying to you through this passage?
  2. How is God freshly commissioning you to serve him in this season?
  3. Read Acts 2:42-47 aloud. What aspect of devotion to Jesus mentioned in this text are you neglecting?
  4. What aspect of devotion to Jesus mentioned in this text is currently giving you life?

April 21 // Alan Frow

Spiritual blindness is hard to detect. It’s difficult to see your blind spots. Thankfully the healing of the blind man in John 9 shows us that Jesus can give us the spiritual sight we need to believe in his name. Once we believe, we can also grow in seeing more clearly by testifying about God’s goodness and worshiping his holy name.
  1. How have you seen God reveal himself in your suffering and where might God be calling you to partner in his work through hardship in your life?
  2. Testify to one another about God’s goodness and power in your life!
  3. Where have you carried blame or shame in your suffering?
  4. Where do you want to grow in your “spiritual eyesight” as you mature in your faith?
  5. How has worship been a way for you to adjust the posture of your heart and understanding of Jesus?
April 14// Alan Frow 
In John 8:12-59 we encounter a group of people who love Jesus’ claim to be the “light of the world,” yet try to kill him when he claims to be preexistent like Yahweh. The passage serves as both a warning and an invitation. The warning is against only believing in the parts of Jesus you like. The invitation is to accept Jesus as he reveals himself so that you can be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and welcomed into the kingdom of light – no longer living as a slave, but adopted into the family of God.
  1. How has Jesus, the light of the world, helped you navigate the darkness you have encountered in your life?
  2. What part of Jesus’ character is hard for you to accept?
  3. Why do you think this group of Jews so quickly moved from believing in Jesus (8:30) to attempting to kill him (8:59)?
  4. How is God inviting you to live more like a son and less like a slave (8:31-38)?

April 7 // Ryan MacDonald & Andrew Schearer 

One Sunday we read in John 7:53-8:11 that Jesus is the just and gracious judge who brings freedom to those who have been condemned and rejected by their accusers. The Law of Moses brings condemnation but the law of Christ brings life and freedom for repentant sinners. This passage warns us that self-righteousness and judgment live in all of our hearts, but the way of Jesus is the way of compassion and mercy.
1. When has condemnation and judgment brought pain and brokenness to others or yourself? How can you bring life and grace into these situations?
 2. When are you most tempted to offer judgment instead of mercy?
 3. (For this question, break into small groups, no more than 3 people of the same gender) Jesus does not condemn the woman but tells her to “go and sin no more”. Take a few minutes to sit with Jesus and ask him where he is inviting you to “go and sin no more.” Do you trust him to help you surrender these areas to the Lord?

***If you want more information about the authenticity of 7:53-8:11, watch this 12-minute video from the Ask Pastor John podcast titled “Can we skip the parts of the New Testament Not in the Original Manuscripts?”

March 31 // Alan Frow // John 11

Jesus intentionally delayed when called upon to help Lazarus so that he could raise him from death. He did this to demonstrate that Jesus has the power to raise us to life after death. Jesus not only raises us to life, he also unbinds us from the cords of death and leads us into the blessed freedom that comes with resurrection life in his name.

  1. Share about a time when you felt that Jesus’ absence in your life was a sign of his indifference towards you.
  2. As you reflect on your life, how was Jesus at work behind the scenes even when you couldn’t see it?
  3. How is Jesus still at work unwrapping the bonds of sinful habits and patterns in your life?
  4. How can your community group pray for and support the work of sanctification God is doing in your life?

March 17th // Ryan MacDonald // John 6

Learning to Feast on Jesus: John 6

  1. What temporary satisfaction are you most prone to pursue?
  2. How have you experienced Jesus as someone who feeds and protects?
  3. Can you relate to the disciples, exhausted and rowing in the storm at night? What is/was that season like for you?
  4. When are you most tempted to grumble and complain?
  5. How is God calling you to feast and abide with Jesus this week?

March 10 // Alan Frow // John 5:16-29

1. In this passage Jesus calls God “My Father” which is a statement that would eventually get him crucified as a blasphemer. Jesus is not just an important religious leader, a great healer, a moral teacher, or a prophet, he is God and must be honored as God. How does this change the way you see Jesus? How does this make him distinct from all other religions? We don’t want anyone to be forced to choose Jesus, so how would you describe Jesus to a world of tolerance?

2. Jesus’ life is a life of a u-curve. Jesus was exalted as God but he also humbled and emptied himself to bring himself low, and was honored again as he was resurrected and ascended into heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. If we want to follow Jesus, our lives will look the same, like a u-curve. Can you describe a time when you had to go low and humble yourself but in doing so, God met you in that place and you felt his pleasure in doing so? Can you remember a time in your life when you had to say, “Not my will be done, but your will be done Jesus?”
3. Jesus is exalted as the justifying judge, Scripture says that Father judges no one but has given all judgement to the Son. In life, we hate to be judged but as sinners, when we plead for mercy from the only true and righteous judge, Jesus, we are set free. The perfect judge takes off his judge’s robes, stands in our place, declares us righteous, and gives us true life, that is the beautiful doctrine of justification. We stand justified, just as if we have never sinned and as if we have always obeyed. How has the doctrine of justification impacted you and the way you live your life? Pray for one another that this truth would settle into the depths of your hearts so you can truly live free!


Feb 25 // Kevin M  //John 4:1-26, 28-30, 39-42 – True Life for All

1. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to publically debate with him, he wanted to be known and seen. The Samaritan woman comes to the well in the heat of the day, alone and full of shame, because she didn’t want to be seen. Describe a time in your life when you have wanted to hide or felt like you were unseen? How does the truth that Jesus sees you and desires to have a relationship with you change the way you feel regarding your loneliness or feeling of being unseen?
2. Nicodemus probably found satisfaction and worth in his status, power, education, wealth, and religion. The Samaritan woman seemingly tried to find her satisfaction and worth through relationships with men. Both Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman looked for satisfaction in worldly, temporal things. What are the ways that you have tried to find satisfaction in your life? How does Jesus, who offers you living water, change your perspective on the only thing that can truly satisfy you? What does this satisfaction look like for you?
3. In this passage Jesus says, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.” What are some of the truths about God that have been revealed to you that bring you to a place of worship? What are some of the truths about God that need to move from your head to your heart so you can truly worship him in Spirit and in truth?
4. The Samaritan woman knew that the Messiah was coming and would explain everything to them. Jesus explained to her that he was the Messiah, so the Samaritan woman went back and “gossiped” the gospel to her town. The gossip of the town became “the gossiper” of the town! Pray for one another that you would be bold “gossipers” of the good news about Jesus Christ.

Feb 18 // Alan Frow // The Cure for Insecurity John 3:22-36

1. John’s disciples were insecure because they saw Jesus’ ministry as competition to John’s ministry. They showed their insecurity in exaggeration, dehumanization and envy. (V 26) When do you feel most insecure and how do you show it?
2. John was remarkably secure in the face of his declining success. A large part of this was that he lived from his received identity, as a ‘friend of the bridegroom’ rather than his achieved identity as ‘John the Baptist.’ What achieved identity are you tempted to live from? Remind one another  of the identities you have received from above, that give us deeper security (v26)
3. John was also aware of his limits. He knew who he was and who he was not. “I am not the Christ.” He had dealt with his Messiah complex. In what area of concern do you feel tempted to take on a Messiah complex? Instead turn your acceptance of limits into prayer for that area of concern.
4. We can get secure, like John, when we recognize Jesus authority, realizing that He is  from above and we are from below. (V 31) He sees our circumstances with greater clarity than we do, and can therefore speaks the words of God to them. What is a teaching of Jesus that is difficult to accept from below, that we are still called  to obey as those who are from below?
5. Finally, there is great security in knowing that “Jesus gives the Spirit without measure.” (V 33) This means that we can celebrate his blessing upon others, knowing that there is immeasurable grace to go around! Celebrate by name, someone in the group whom God is blessing and pray for one another to be filled with the Spirit.

Feb 11// Joel Baker // John 2-3

  1. John 3:16 is often reduced to or seen as a childish truth for those who are coming to faith. How does understanding the context of Jesus’ words in John 3 shift the way that you think about this passage?
  2. Jesus tells Nicodemus that all are bitten by the curse of sin and death but that God has provided Jesus as a means to remove the curse of sin and death. Who in your life needs to look to Jesus to be saved? Take time to pray for these individuals.
  3. Are there areas in your life that you need to bring into the light, that they may be exposed? Take some time to share and pray for one another.

January 28 // Alan Frow // John 2:1-12  Lord of the Feast

1. Jesus’ first miracle is a sign of his kingdom which would come with abundant joy. Isaiah 26:3 and Joel 3:18
What does it mean to you that Jesus is not just serious about your sin, he is serious about your joy?

2. In this miracle, Jesus saves the groom from the shame of running out of wine. But the miracle speaks to a deeper removal of shame. Discuss.

3. Jesus does all the work and the groom gets all the credit. What does that tells us about the gospel and why is that good news for us. What does is it mean to be credited with Jesus’ righteousness?

4. Why would Jesus have to go to the cross to have his own wedding? What does it mean that he drank the cup of God’s wrath so that we could drink the cup of God’s joy. The word propitiation in 1Jon 2:2 gives clarity – to absorbing wrath and turn it to favor.

5. ‘Do whatever he tells you’ was what Mary said to the servants. Because they obeyed they had a front row seat to Jesus’ power. What is Jesus telling you to do that requires faith and obedience?

6. What relevance does this miracle have for both singles and those who are married?

January 21 // Kevin M // John 1:35-51

1. When Jesus first notices Andrew and the other disciple following him, he asks them, “What are you looking for?” The same question is asked of us today and the answer to whatever we’re looking for can be found in Jesus. How would you describe what you’re currently looking for in this season of your life?

2. After Jesus finds and chooses us and we accept the invitation to follow him, he transforms and renames us. How would you describe how Jesus has transformed you and renamed you? What are some of the names (friend, adopted son or daughter, slave to righteousness, alive, victorious, etc.) that most resonates with you?
3. Part of the transformation in our lives is being transformed into a worshiper of Jesus. If worship, according to Augustine, is more than just singing praises to God but it’s also a reordering of the loves in our lives, are there things that you can identify in your life that need to be reordered?
4. In this passage of Scripture we read that the disciples recognize Jesus and become witnesses, they go and tell their family members and friends. Pray for one another that you would become bold witnesses for Jesus and tell others of how he has transformed your life.

January 14, 2024 // Alan Frow // John 1:19:34

1. John the Baptist’s humility was remarkable. “I am a voice crying in the wilderness…I am not worthy to untie the sandals of the One coming after me.” In fact, Jesus view of John was greater than John’s view of himself. How does this challenge you when we are told we will never do great things unless we grasp our own greatness?
2. While John spoke truth to power, calling tax collectors, soldiers and Herod to repent, he also spoke truth to his own tribe- calling the Jewish crowds to repent. (Luke 3:7) Why is it that we tend to get so outraged by other people’s sin yet struggle to recognize our own sin? What does bearing fruit in keeping with repentance mean?
3. In calling people to repentance, John was preparing them to recognize Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. What are the implications of Jesus coming as a Lamb? What does it mean to appropriate the blood of the Lamb by faith?
3. John said he would not have recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God unless he had seen the Spirit descend and remain upon Him. He also says that Jesus would baptize people with that same Spirit. This is a promise for all believers. Avoid getting into disputes about definitions of Spirit baptism, but pray for one another for the Spirit to fill you again. (Ephesians 5: 17)


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