We are planting a church in Portland, Oregon!

Southlands has a rich history of planting churches. From neighboring cities, to far off nations God continues to give Southlands a special grace for raising up leaders and sending them out. We are excited to announce that Ryan and Stacie MacDonald are the next couple we will be sending to plant a church in Portland, Oregon! Ryan and Stacie have been vital leaders in the life of the church and for the last 8 years they have been sensing God call them to plant a church in Portland.  

In June of 2023, at our annual elders and wives retreat our lead pastor Alan Frow had a prophetic word about a ship that had been going North, but a slight shift was needed from North to NorthWest (the Pacific Northwest maybe!?) regarding our multiplication story. That word came exactly two years after beloved member and deacon, Katrin Allen, had given Ryan and Stacie a prophetic word about building a ship in three parts representing three years. This ship was built differently -  not bottom to top but front to back - and would take a group of people from point A to point B in three years time. Sometime later, Mandy Randolph - a trusted prophetic voice in our community - saw a picture of Ryan stepping into a new season of leadership. In one hand he had a scroll. In the other a key. Well it just so happened that at the three year mark of Katrin’s word about the ship Ryan graduated from Western Seminary in Portland (scroll/diploma in hand). And that same weekend he got a call from a pastor in the greater Portland metro area that wanted to explore giving our church plant a recently remodeled church building free and clear (keys)!

We find these prophetic words both encouraging and confirming, but the primary reason we are planting this church is there are 630,000 people who call Portland home and the vast majority do not know Jesus! Yet there is a spiritual hunger in the city and openness to hear about God. We believe Portland is a city perfectly positioned for a fresh move of the Spirit. 

And that’s why we are planting this church. A church that helps people meet and know Jesus. A church that demonstrates how living life according to God’s design leads to abundant life and unshakeable joy. A community where people are transformed by the gospel and welcomed into a family of love for the good of their neighbors and the glory of God. A community so filled with the life and energy of Jesus that love and hope splashes out on those around us. A church that is known not only for our deep love for one another, but our compassionate care for the lost, lonely, and hurting. 

Our vision is for a church full of the Word and full of the Spirit until Portland is full of the glory of God. 

Would you join us in reaching people with the gospel? Become a financial partner and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed on how to pray for our team. 

Southlands, we have been richly blessed. By God’s grace our church is thriving. But there are still many who have yet to hear and we have much to offer. Not sure if you know this, but planting a church is expensive! And we are going to need all types of people to give. Would you consider setting up a monthly recurring gift of any amount to help us reach the city for Jesus?

And if you are interested in joining the church plant we would love to hear from you! Email Ryan at helloryanmacdonald@gmail.com

Thank you for your support! We are full of faith for what God has in store.